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STEM Courses

STEM helps students explore their potential Curriculum
Creative analysis.logical deduction.problem-solving skills.
mechanical knowledge.all-round development

Scratch 3.0 Coding Course (Aged 6 - 16)

Sratch 課程

Course Overview

A beginner course for children to learn programming. With Scratch 2.0, it allows children to create animations, games and interactive stories, all without a single line of code.

Learning objectives:

  • Apply Scratch programming to the creation of simple projects

  • Design projects for both basic and advanced programmers

  • Introduction to programming concepts: objects and attributes, sequence, repetition conditions and events

  • End of term students will present their project to parents



1.5 Hours a week x 12 Lessons (across 3 months)

Class Size:

Max 6 students

Course Outline

  • Introduce to Scratch with programming

  • Introduce types of Blocks and 2D coordinates

  • Adding voice and music to the Sprite

  • Learn variables, looping logic and condition statements

  • Learn debugging

  • Create animation in Scratch

  • Understand 2D coordinates in Scratch

  • Create Game using Scratch

Sratch 課程
What to bring:
  • A laptop with charger

  • A Google Account

  • A creative mindset :)

** Contact Us if you would like to arrange private lesson
Sratch 課程
Sratch 課程
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